Our team of ERISA experts is on a mission to support CPAs as the client’s trusted tax advisor. Our depth of experience in qualified plans enables you to grow your practice through a strategic relationship; focused on delivering tax-favored solutions for your clients.
At ERISA, we’re experts at integrating tax-qualified plans into a buy-out strategy.

With proper plan design, closely held business owners can mitigate the inherent risk in their business. These plan design techniques diversify the owner’s wealth without compromising the integrity of their business; leading to more exit options.
As a client’s trusted tax advisor, you’re well aware of the overutilization of non-qualified deferred compensation plans.
At ERISA, we’re committed to ensuring all tax-qualified options have been exhausted.
We work with a diverse group of clients across the U.S. Let’s build a strategy that saves your client taxes, empowering you as their trusted tax advisor.